Sunday, December 31, 2006

More student messages

Happy New Years everyone.
-Mike (9th hour)

My New Years resolution is not to get in trouble by the police.
-Codi (9th hour)

Hi Tiffany. What's up girl. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Love You
-Jessica (9th hour)

New Years Resolution:
I'm not drinking soda, pop, soda pop for 1 month, only flavored water.

-Jeremy (9th hour)

New Years Resolution:
I will get all good grades from 3rd quarter untill I get out of school.
-Joey (9th hour)

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Happy Holiday postings from students

Many students wished happy holidays to their friends and family. I will continue posting well wishes and resolutions from students wanting their messages posted until class resumes on Monday, January 8, 2007.

"I would like to wish my family a Merry Christmas. Also, I hope that my mom gets better and has a fast recovery.
-Alex (2nd period)

"I want to wish all of my friends a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year."
-Ashley R. (2nd period)

"Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas!"
-Emily (2nd period)

"Merry Christmas Everyone!"
-Aaron (9th period)

"It's almost the New year so HAPPY HOLIDAYS and Merry Christmas!!"
-Angela (9th period)

Friday, December 22, 2006

12/22 Half Day activities


Students had the opportunity to enjoy a DVD clip What is Science? while writing out a New Year's message if they chose.


Enjoy the Winter Break!

Look up in the sky once in a while and notice the cloud formations; use the stove to cook up some chemistry (with permission and supervision,) or just plain see how many hours in a day the human body really can sleep without interruption.

I will be updating the site over winter break and posting any messages that students wrote out to include in the site.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

12/21 RNA

Discussed messenger RNA and transfer RNA. Discussed the range of Abnormal---------Normal and Genetic-------------Environmental effects of differences.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

12/20 meiosis

Students diagramed the progression from nitrogen bases to the cell and discussed genetic disorders.
Complete p.103 questions 1a, 2b, 2c.

Students in 8th hour are not required to complete p.103

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

12/19 meiosis

(---Human Karyotype)

Students participated in "legal" note passing in order to study meiosis, pp.92-96. Some classes had the opportunity to create Popsicle stick Mom and Dad in order to demonstrate the passing of genetic traits through the sex chromosomes. (See text p. 92)
Read and study genetics through p. 96.

Many students expressed interest in genetic disorders. A good site is

Monday, December 18, 2006

12/18 Genetics Lab

Completed Investigating Inherited Human Traits Laboratory (20 points) due in bin Tuesday morning if not completed in class.
Extra Credit opportunity - complete a drawing of your offspring that highlights each of the inherited traits. (5 points XC)
Read and study through p.91. Study vocabulary.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

key codes

Several codes are used in class either on the whiteboard or included on the grade printouts. I have listed some of them below.

H/W - Homework

W/S - Worksheet

S/B - Should Be

Inc. - Work is Incomplete

Grade reports

NG - Not Graded or No Grade. This may be used to indicate that an upcoming project is due or that a child was absent and has not submitted the work or simply that the assignment's grade has not been recorded.

XC - Extra Credit assignment. These are recorded as 0 points possible and reflected in the report as a specific number of points above the 0 points possible. It does not count against a student who has chosen not to complete extra credit.

EX - Excused. This is the grade if a student was not present (due to an excused absence) for a lab that can not be made up.

missing - The assignment is given a 0 because it was never submitted or was submitted more than one day late and can not be made up.

Saturday, December 16, 2006


I regret that I have not posted since Tuesday due to my absence as well as the absences of several students this week.

As an exception to the firmly held homework rule: Students will be allowed to turn in any missing assignments that were due Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday. As long as they are submitted to the in bin by Tuesday morning I will excuse any late work.

Assignments due include:

DNA strand colored and assembled
Mendel's Work - worksheet packet
Is there a black sheep in the family - worksheet
Should this dog be called spot - worksheet

Students are expected to have studied through p.81

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

12/12 genetics

Discussed Gregor Mendel's life and work and it's influence on genetics.
Complete worksheet guided reading numbers 1-18. Text pp.74-81
Due Wednesday in class.
(Exception 2nd, 8th and 9th hours)

DNA strand due completed and turned in to bin Thursday before class.

Monday, December 11, 2006

12/11 DNA

Completed video Chromosomes and Genes. Discussed Nitrogen bases adenine, thymine, cytosine, and guanine. Began color coding DNA rungs for paper model of DNA chain.
Complete color coding of DNA. Read pp. 74-81.

color coding -
Adenine - Red
Thymine - Green
Cytosine - Blue
Guanine - Orange
Deoxyribose - yellow
Phosphoric acid - brown

Friday, December 08, 2006

12/08 cell cycle quiz

Took quiz which included extra credit question. Viewed first half of video: Chromosomes and Genes in preparation of DNA instruction next week.
Enjoy the weekend!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

12/07 cell cycle

Video of the cell cycle showing time lapse micro-photography of mitosis. Created and reviewed the use of graphic organizers for studying.
Actively study for cell cycle quiz.

Friday, December 8 - Cell Cycle quiz.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

12/06 cell cycle

Reviewed cell processes worksheets. Identified the following "Confusing C Words."

Chromosome-composed of two identical rods it is the location of genetic material in the nucleus.
Chromatin-the threadlike material that condenses to form chromosomes.
Chromatid-each identical rod in the chromosome.
Centromere-the structure that holds together the two chromatid.
Centriole-cylindrical structures that move to opposite ends of the cell during the cell cycle to which spindle fibers attach.

Create a study guide, notes, or flashcards to help study for the cell cycle quiz Friday.

Friday, December 8 - Quiz (will cover only the cell cycle)

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

12/05 cellular processes

Reviewed cellular processes including photosynthesis, respiration, and the cell cycle. Began worksheets connecting concepts, key terms, cell division. Due in bin.
Complete any assignmets not done in class. Study Chapter 2 for quiz.

Friday, Decemer 8 - Quiz: Cell Processes

Monday, December 04, 2006

12/04 Mitosis

Reviewed the six events in the cell cycle. Created Mitosis flip charts.
Flip charts must include the name of the step in the cell cycle, colored diagram, and a one or two line description of the event Due Wednesday in bin.
Complete flip chart. Study mitosis and review photsynthesis and cellular respiration for quiz Friday.

Friday, December 8 - Quiz

Friday, December 01, 2006

12/01 Mitosis

Viewed a short DVD on cell division. Took notes on the 6 phases of cell division.
Study Interphase, Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase and Cytokinesis.