Sunday, December 31, 2006

More student messages

Happy New Years everyone.
-Mike (9th hour)

My New Years resolution is not to get in trouble by the police.
-Codi (9th hour)

Hi Tiffany. What's up girl. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Love You
-Jessica (9th hour)

New Years Resolution:
I'm not drinking soda, pop, soda pop for 1 month, only flavored water.

-Jeremy (9th hour)

New Years Resolution:
I will get all good grades from 3rd quarter untill I get out of school.
-Joey (9th hour)

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Happy Holiday postings from students

Many students wished happy holidays to their friends and family. I will continue posting well wishes and resolutions from students wanting their messages posted until class resumes on Monday, January 8, 2007.

"I would like to wish my family a Merry Christmas. Also, I hope that my mom gets better and has a fast recovery.
-Alex (2nd period)

"I want to wish all of my friends a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year."
-Ashley R. (2nd period)

"Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas!"
-Emily (2nd period)

"Merry Christmas Everyone!"
-Aaron (9th period)

"It's almost the New year so HAPPY HOLIDAYS and Merry Christmas!!"
-Angela (9th period)

Friday, December 22, 2006

12/22 Half Day activities


Students had the opportunity to enjoy a DVD clip What is Science? while writing out a New Year's message if they chose.


Enjoy the Winter Break!

Look up in the sky once in a while and notice the cloud formations; use the stove to cook up some chemistry (with permission and supervision,) or just plain see how many hours in a day the human body really can sleep without interruption.

I will be updating the site over winter break and posting any messages that students wrote out to include in the site.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

12/21 RNA

Discussed messenger RNA and transfer RNA. Discussed the range of Abnormal---------Normal and Genetic-------------Environmental effects of differences.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

12/20 meiosis

Students diagramed the progression from nitrogen bases to the cell and discussed genetic disorders.
Complete p.103 questions 1a, 2b, 2c.

Students in 8th hour are not required to complete p.103

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

12/19 meiosis

(---Human Karyotype)

Students participated in "legal" note passing in order to study meiosis, pp.92-96. Some classes had the opportunity to create Popsicle stick Mom and Dad in order to demonstrate the passing of genetic traits through the sex chromosomes. (See text p. 92)
Read and study genetics through p. 96.

Many students expressed interest in genetic disorders. A good site is

Monday, December 18, 2006

12/18 Genetics Lab

Completed Investigating Inherited Human Traits Laboratory (20 points) due in bin Tuesday morning if not completed in class.
Extra Credit opportunity - complete a drawing of your offspring that highlights each of the inherited traits. (5 points XC)
Read and study through p.91. Study vocabulary.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

key codes

Several codes are used in class either on the whiteboard or included on the grade printouts. I have listed some of them below.

H/W - Homework

W/S - Worksheet

S/B - Should Be

Inc. - Work is Incomplete

Grade reports

NG - Not Graded or No Grade. This may be used to indicate that an upcoming project is due or that a child was absent and has not submitted the work or simply that the assignment's grade has not been recorded.

XC - Extra Credit assignment. These are recorded as 0 points possible and reflected in the report as a specific number of points above the 0 points possible. It does not count against a student who has chosen not to complete extra credit.

EX - Excused. This is the grade if a student was not present (due to an excused absence) for a lab that can not be made up.

missing - The assignment is given a 0 because it was never submitted or was submitted more than one day late and can not be made up.

Saturday, December 16, 2006


I regret that I have not posted since Tuesday due to my absence as well as the absences of several students this week.

As an exception to the firmly held homework rule: Students will be allowed to turn in any missing assignments that were due Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday. As long as they are submitted to the in bin by Tuesday morning I will excuse any late work.

Assignments due include:

DNA strand colored and assembled
Mendel's Work - worksheet packet
Is there a black sheep in the family - worksheet
Should this dog be called spot - worksheet

Students are expected to have studied through p.81

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

12/12 genetics

Discussed Gregor Mendel's life and work and it's influence on genetics.
Complete worksheet guided reading numbers 1-18. Text pp.74-81
Due Wednesday in class.
(Exception 2nd, 8th and 9th hours)

DNA strand due completed and turned in to bin Thursday before class.

Monday, December 11, 2006

12/11 DNA

Completed video Chromosomes and Genes. Discussed Nitrogen bases adenine, thymine, cytosine, and guanine. Began color coding DNA rungs for paper model of DNA chain.
Complete color coding of DNA. Read pp. 74-81.

color coding -
Adenine - Red
Thymine - Green
Cytosine - Blue
Guanine - Orange
Deoxyribose - yellow
Phosphoric acid - brown

Friday, December 08, 2006

12/08 cell cycle quiz

Took quiz which included extra credit question. Viewed first half of video: Chromosomes and Genes in preparation of DNA instruction next week.
Enjoy the weekend!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

12/07 cell cycle

Video of the cell cycle showing time lapse micro-photography of mitosis. Created and reviewed the use of graphic organizers for studying.
Actively study for cell cycle quiz.

Friday, December 8 - Cell Cycle quiz.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

12/06 cell cycle

Reviewed cell processes worksheets. Identified the following "Confusing C Words."

Chromosome-composed of two identical rods it is the location of genetic material in the nucleus.
Chromatin-the threadlike material that condenses to form chromosomes.
Chromatid-each identical rod in the chromosome.
Centromere-the structure that holds together the two chromatid.
Centriole-cylindrical structures that move to opposite ends of the cell during the cell cycle to which spindle fibers attach.

Create a study guide, notes, or flashcards to help study for the cell cycle quiz Friday.

Friday, December 8 - Quiz (will cover only the cell cycle)

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

12/05 cellular processes

Reviewed cellular processes including photosynthesis, respiration, and the cell cycle. Began worksheets connecting concepts, key terms, cell division. Due in bin.
Complete any assignmets not done in class. Study Chapter 2 for quiz.

Friday, Decemer 8 - Quiz: Cell Processes

Monday, December 04, 2006

12/04 Mitosis

Reviewed the six events in the cell cycle. Created Mitosis flip charts.
Flip charts must include the name of the step in the cell cycle, colored diagram, and a one or two line description of the event Due Wednesday in bin.
Complete flip chart. Study mitosis and review photsynthesis and cellular respiration for quiz Friday.

Friday, December 8 - Quiz

Friday, December 01, 2006

12/01 Mitosis

Viewed a short DVD on cell division. Took notes on the 6 phases of cell division.
Study Interphase, Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase and Cytokinesis.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

11/30 Lab: Exhaling CO2

Completed laboratory: Exhaling Carbon Dioxide. Some students were able to complete the laboratory report during their class time.
Complete laboratory report. Study material through p. 45 in textbook.

1st hour students were unable to complete the laboratory due to an assembly.

Tomorrow: Grade Reports go home to be signed and returned. Last day to present extra credit.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

11/29 Cellular Respiration

Discussed cellular respiration. Students took notes. Dan from 5th period gave us a wonderful organelle presentation; I look forward to many more extra credit presentations before Friday!
Read and review pp. 49-54. Be able to identify the steps performed in labs on pp. 49 & 54 in preparation of tomorrow's activities.
Periods 2, 7, 9 - complete p.53 (1&2)

Friday, December 1 - grade reports go home.

Friday, December 1 - extra credit due.

Several Student Cell Models are on display in the Media Center.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

11/28 Cell Presentations

A small sample of student Cell Models

Students put on an awesome show with their cell model presentations! A few students did not have time to complete their presentations today and will do so tomorrow during class. A very small number of students did not have their cells completed and must present them tomorrow for partial credit.
Review photosynthesis. Preview cellular respiration.

Friday, December 1 - last day to present organelle extra credit

Friday, December 1 - grade reports go home to be signed and returned

Monday, November 27, 2006

11/27 photosynthesis

Students will describe the detailed chain of transfer of energy from the sun to themselves. Read and reviewed pp.42-48.
Complete section review p. 48 (1&2)

Tuesday, November 28 - Cell Model Presentions Due

Friday, December 1 - Organelle Extra Credit Due

Friday, December 1 - Midquarter grade reports go home to be signed

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Differentiated Instruction

Differentiated instruction is the educational phrase for meeting the needs of all students by communicating ideas in ways that work well for each individual child. Some students have Individualized Educational Plans that are developed with special education professionals and list in detail what changes need to be made to instruction for that student to learn best. Other students have medical needs (hearing, speech, physical or health impairments) that require changes to instruction. Many students have learning differences that aren't identified by a doctor or an educational specialist but are informally identifiable just as well. A final group of students are those that are gifted or talented.

In class the other day I was discussing the fact that no cell is a "typical" cell as it is identified in a textbook; all cells are unique in some way. Likewise, no child is a "typical" child. I was able to give several examples from my extended family of children who are identified as different academically. One student offered up the idea that we are all like snowflakes, unique.

I differentiate instruction in many ways and continue to individualize my instruction as much as possible to meet each child's needs. All students with IEP's are accommodated in the ways listed in that document. I am as discrete as possible when handing out different forms of a test or a different assignment. As much as students want their needs met, they also don't want to be seen as different. Sometimes this results in my overlooking an opportunity to modify an assignment. Please call me if you feel that you (or your child) have not received a necessary modification and are struggling.

While "tracking" by ability isn't truly in place at Columbia Central, some groups exist that have a great similarity in student abilities. Gifted and talented students are given the opportunity to go beyond what is required in class. These students may be bored with the usual assignments but will excel with an alternative. One class may receive most of the instruction at an enriched level and have additional assignments that reflect their advanced ability. This same group may have some review activities eliminated because they have demonstrated, as a group, that they don't need the additional time. Yet another section may have the need for more review and more direct instruction time to understand the work.

Something I consider common to all students is that they are capable of completing and submitting assignments that reflect the best of their individual abilities. All students can and will learn science. I strive to meet each student where they are at academically and do everything possible to rise to the highest level of achievement possible. My expectation is that each student will work to achieve their individual best.

I am thankful for each of the snowflakes (uh, students) in my classes.

Ms. Grumbine

11/22 Cell Test

Cell Test
Enjoy the time off!

Tuesday, November 28 - Cell Model Presentations Due

Extra Credit Opportunity - this opportunity will be presented to the class Monday, November 27 so if you keep up on the blog you have a head start!

Write up a short (less than 1 minute) presentation of one of the cell organelles to present to the class. The presentation may be in the form of a poem, a song, a rap or performance art. The information must include the structure and function of the organelle chosen. Presentations will be given during classtime over the course of the week. The write up and organelle presentation is worth 20 extra credit points.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

11/21 Cell Review

Reviewed Chapter 1 for Cell Test tomorrow.
Study notes, handouts, and text for test.

(Mr. Lale has been my substitute for the past 2 days and is a retired science teacher with many years experience. I'm confidant that the students are well prepared for the test tomorrow.)

Monday, November 20, 2006

11/20 Cell Chapter Review

Reviewed cell chapter and assignment pp.39&40.
Complete p.41

(I was regrettably, absent from school today.)

Wednesday, November 22 - Cell Unit Test

Tuesday, November 28 - Cell Model Presentation due

Friday, November 17, 2006

11/17 cells review

Students worked to complete p.39 & 40 chapter review as listed in yesterday's post. If the assignment was completed in class, students viewed fixed slides of specimen including glandular tissue and volcanic ash.
Study handouts, notes, and text for Cell Unit Test.

Monday, November 20 - Chapter Review Due
Wednesday, November 22 - Cell Unit Test
Tuesday, November 28 - Cell Model Presentation Due

Thursday, November 16, 2006

11/16 Unit Review

Chapter Review
Students should write out all questions and answers in their science notebooks to use the responses as a study guide.
Assignment is DUE Monday, November 20. Students may turn in their notebooks on Friday if assignment is completed early.
Complete p.39 (1-10)
p.40 (11-18) (20,22)
Study Organelles. Review Cell Unit.

Friday, November 17 - organelle mini-quiz retake
Wednesday, November 22 - Cell Unit Test
Tuesday, November 28 - Cell Model Presentations

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

11/15 Cell Processes

Students took lecture notes over Cell Processes.
Laboratory - Diffusion. The written lab was due in bin at end of class or may be turned in completed before first hour tomorrow.
Read pp. 25-30. (Should read pp. through 35)
Continue to study cell organelles. A "requiz" over organelles will be given Friday. The Unit test over cells will be given Wednesday, November 22.

Tuesday, November 28 - Cell models due for presentation.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

11/14 cells & scopes

Students took a mini-quiz over ten organelles. Reviewed chemistry of cells. Discussed cell projects which will be DUE November 28, 2006 for presentation. Most sections had the opportunity to practice microscope skills.
Study pp.25-30 and be able to orally respond to questions on p. 30, section review.
Period 9
Complete section review p.30 1.a; 1.b; 2a; 2b.

Monday, November 13, 2006


It occurs to me after parent-teacher conferences that it is hard to have perspective on the overall progress of seventh grade students when looking at only one report card. Rest assured that there is a normal spread of achievement throughout my 132 students. The elements common to students who earn an A in science is a high level of homework completion and high test scores. The elements common to most students who earn a failing grade in science may include lack of homework completion, low test scores, poor organizational skills, poor attendance, inattention during class.

The following is a table of first quarter scores by percentage

A 17.4%
B 30.3%
C 24.2%
D 12.9%
F 14.8%

11/13 chemistry of cells

Reviewed w/s "Looking Inside Cells"
Introduced the concepts: elements, compounds, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, amino acids, enzymes, nucleic acids. Students took notes during class.
Period 1 - attended awards assembly and can gain the same material by reading pp.25-30.
Period 8 - several students left for the perfect attendance ice cream social and can gain the same material by reading pp. 25-30.
All students should read pp. 25-30 and study the concepts listed above.

Note: On days when there are planned disruptions, my lessons are those that can be easily duplicated by studying at home.

Congratulations to the many students honored at today's events!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

11/08 specialized cells & bacteria

Discussed the levels of organization from cells through organisms. Discussed the relationship between structure and function of cells. Identified bacteria and the Kingdom Monera. Some sections had the opportunity to view bacterial cells and epithelial cells under the microscope.
Periods 1,2,5,7,9
Complete worksheet "looking inside cells"
Period 8
Complete Enrichment work "Modeling cell structure"
Due Monday in bin

Thursday, November 9, 12:30 - 7:00 Parent Teacher Conferences

Friday, November 10 - No School, Veteran's Day Observance

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Availability of "Office Hours" 06-07

Because the telephones will not ring through to my classroom during teaching hours (8am - 2:30pm) I am not immediately available by phone. However, If you leave a message on voicemail my computer will alert me by way of email that you have called and I can listen to and respond to your message during my plan period or lunch period.

Plan periods:
3rd period 9:26-10:06
4th period 10:09-10:49

6th period 11:37-12:19

I often have meetings during 4th period plan but am able to set up conferences during 3rd period plan.

11/07 Lab - Microscopic cells

Reviewed "Can you Identify These Cell Structures" w/s. Introduced students to microscope use and troubleshooting. Students viewed and sketched cells under 40X and 400X.
Students should read text through p.24 and be prepared to discuss specialized cells in class Wednesday.

Wednesday - 7th grade honor roll breakfast first hour.

Thursday - Parent/Teacher conferences 12:30pm - 7:00pm

Friday - No School Veteran's Day observance

Monday, November 06, 2006

11/06 Cell Organelle functions

Completed the last 10 minutes of "The Cell" video. Students completed their video notes. Completed w/s Identifying the names of cell organelles and a word search that introduced cell processes.
Assignments are due in class Tuesday.
Review pp.4-21 in text and study organelles and functions.

Report Cards and attached grade reports went home with students today. Signed grade reports are worth 5 points extra credit if returned during class Tuesday.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Cell Diagrams

Typical Animal Cell
Cell Diagrams can be found on pp.20 & 21 in the text.

Friday, November 03, 2006

11/03 The Cell - Video

We laughed...we was a movie that remains a favorite... "The Cell." Students took brief notes on the organelles listed in this video. We will complete the video and video quiz section Monday.
Study plant cell/animal cell worksheet. Study organelle functions.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

11/02 Cell Organelles

Microscope Test (13 points)
Corrected and reviewed plant and animal cell labels and organelle functions.
Color coding organelles.
Cells must be completed including color coding organelles. Chloroplasts must be green.

Monday, November 6 - Report cards go home.
Tuesday, November 7 - signed grade reports are due in bin.
Thursday, November 9 - Parent/Teacher conferences by appointment.
Friday, November 10 - No School.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

11/01 Cell Organelles

Introduced the names and functions of the cell organelles.
Students began work on their homework assignment in class.
Worksheet - Fill in the blanks with the names of the plant cell and animal cell organelles. Write out the function of the organelles in the blanks below.
Information is in the text pp. 20 & 21. The centrioles are not required to be labeled as this information isn't provided in the text.

Study for microscope test.
Thursday, November 2 - Microscope Test

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

10/31 Cell Theory and Microscopes

Discussed relationship between the advancement of technology and the progression of science. Students identified the timeline of discoveries and inventions of Robert Hook, Anton von Leeuwenhook, Schleiden, Schwann, and Virchow. Notes should remain in student notebook. Students practiced labeling microscope parts and functions.
memorize scope parts.
Read and study through p.13 in text.

Monday, October 30, 2006

10/30 THE CELL

Reviewed pp.16-19 Classification and pp.85,86 Graphing.
Introduced the cell and microscope skills.
Students read pp.4-9 in text and summarized pp.8&9.
Students labeled the parts of the microscope and will be tested over this on Thursday.
Complete summary in notebook if not accomplished during classtime.
Memorize scope parts from p.196 in text.

Thursday, November 2 - Test
Identifying microscope parts and use

Friday, October 27, 2006

Overview of the First Quarter

  • Content covered during the first academic quarter of 7th grade includes:
Laboratory Safety
Metric Measurement
The Scientific Method
  • and introduced the following laboratory skills:
Measuring volume with graduated cylinders
measuring mass with a triple beam balance
lighting bunsen burners
filtering fluids with a ring stand apparatus
  • as well as the cognitive skills:
forming hypotheses
communicating results

  • 30 points of extra credit work was offered to students during first quarter.
  • Students requiring additional support were offered tutorial during lunchtime study hall and before school.

10/27 Classification & Graphing Review

Skills Practice-Classifying pp.16-19 w/s (1-4.) Skills Test-Graphing pp.85,86
Due Monday in bin.

Complete any work not finished during classtime.

Laboratory-"Classifying Seeds" Due Monday in bin.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

10/26 Lab: Classification of Seeds

Lab: Developing a classification system for seeds. Students worked with a partner to organize bird seed so that their final classification contained only one type of seed. Individual Lab reports are due in the inbins no later than Monday, October 30.
Work on completing "Developing a classification system for seeds" lab report.

Monday, November 6 - Report cards go home. Please sign and return the individual teacher reports. Students receive 5 points extra credit for reports signed and returned by the next day, Tuesday.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

10/25 Classification of paper shapes

Students worked to organize 30 shapes, shaded or not shaded, into meaningful classes (groups.) Then, they glued the groups onto paper by class or subclass.
Complete assignment if not completed during science.

5th hour and 7th hour sections did not meet due to the shortened day.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

10/24 Graphs

Example of a line graph using data from Steger Annual Precipitation

Practiced using data tables to create line graphs and bar graphs.
p. 183 Activity
"Create line graphs to display the data from Experiment 2 and Experiment 3 in the data table."
The data table is located at the top of p. 182
Students began assignment in class and should finish and review assignment at home.

Wednesday, October 25 - Early release 11:00am

Friday, October 27 - End of First Quarter

Monday, October 23, 2006

10/23 Hypotheses

Students reviewed safety procedures and the Code of Conduct. Students made a personal committment to maintain safety in the classroom by finishing this writing prompt: "I am going to keep the laboratory safe by..."
Students reviewed Developing a Hypothesis w/s pp. 42&43
Review safety symbols and procedures from text and handouts.

Tuesday, October 24: Extra Credit due

Wednesday, October 25: Early Release 11am

Friday, October 27: End of First Quarter

Student Code of Conduct and Procedure

1. Come to class every day with necessary materials (pen, pencils, science folder, and science notebook.)
2. Chewing gum, eating lunch or other snacks is prohibited.
3. Textbooks, tables and equipment are not to be written on or damaged in any way. Students will pay for property damage.
4. Talking during class is permitted only after the instructor grants permission.
5. Leaving seat is permitted only after the instructor grants permission.
6. Work at your assigned stations during lab. Do not wander.
7. No doing homework in class other than Science homework as assigned.
8. It is the responsibility of the student to obtain all information when he/she has been absent. Maximum - 2 days for make up work. It is the responsibility of your lab partner to inform you of missed assignments.
9. Progress reports must be returned the following day, signed by a parent/guardian.
10. Any materials checked out (i.e. books) must be returned before homeroom the following morning.
11. Do not touch lab equipment and material until the teacher gives permission.
12. All material must be returned to its proper place at end of period.
13. Talking negatively of teachers or classmates will not be permitted.
14. Respect authority. This includes substitutes as well as classroom teacher.

Failure to observe the above safety rules will result in disciplinary actions.

Parent and Student Signatures were received during the first week of attendance.

Friday, October 20, 2006

10/20 various assignments

Hours 1, 2 & 5
Observations on an effervescent tablet. Those students who were able to participate observed diffusion in action. Students noted variables that effect the rate of diffusion and identified solutes and solvents.
Alternative Assignment for students unable to participate: summay of the elements of technological design from pp. 180 & 181 in text.
Hours 7, 8, 9 - completed alternative assignment and worksheet on forming an Hypothesis.
Students must review safety measures in the science laboratory.

Violations of the Code of Conduct have resulted in the suspension of laboratory priveleges for those students. We all need to work together (students, parents and the instructor) so that each section of students has the opportunity to have a real-life laboratory experience.

Grade reports went home with hours 2 & 5. Behavior reports went home with several students and need to be signed and returned by Tuesday, October 24 at the latest.

Extra Credit is due October 24 and is now worth 20 points!
I evaluated the total number of points recorded for the quarter and determined that the work could receive 2 points per problem. Additional copies of the extra credit can be downloaded from yesterday's post.

Monday, October 23 - 7th grade student field trip to Lyric Opera. Some sections will miss science.

Tuesday, October 24 - Extra Credit due

Wednesday, October 25 - Half day of school

Friday, October 27 - Last day of first Quarter

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Extra Credit Scientific Method

Students will receive a copy of extra credit "Scientific Method in Action" Thursday and Friday.

The assignment is due Tuesday, October 24 on a separate sheet of notebook paper. This is the last extra credit opportunity for first quarter.
10 points extra credit (Now worth 20 points!)

The instructions can also be printed or copied from the following link

10/19 TEST

Test - Scientific Method
35 points
Organize folder

End of Quarter - October 27, 2006

Conferences - November 9
12:30 - 7:00 by appointment

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

10/18 Test Review

Students reviewed the 5 or 6 steps of the scientific method; vocabulary related to the scientific method; and skills related to measuring volume, length, and temperature in the metric system.
Students will review handouts and notes related to the scientific method and may use textbook pp.174-179 to aid in the review for the test tomorrow over The Scientific Method.

Test Thursday, October 19, 2006
Scientific Method

First Quarter ends Friday, October 27, 2006

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

10/17 Observations on a Burning Candle

Laboratory - students wrote out timed observations and inferences while observing a burning candle. Discussion included conservation of mass.
Study notes and handouts for test.

Thursday - Test: The scientific method.
October 27 - End of 1st quarter.

Monday, October 16, 2006

10/16 scientific method

Students discussed the difference between observation and inference. Students wrote out answers to p.7 skills review and completed the reading checkpoint on p.9.
Study vocabulary and handouts related to the scientific method for quiz Thursday.

End of 1st quarter - October 27, 2006

Friday, October 13, 2006

10/13 Scientific Method

Students reviewed previous assignments and notes to define the following:

scientific method
*quantitative observation
*qualitative observation
scientific theory
scientific law

*definitions given during Friday's class.

Complete vocabulary in notebook if not completed during classtime.

Reminder -
Extra Credit due Monday.

First Quarter ends October 27, 2006

Thursday, October 12, 2006

10/12 displaced volume

Lab - identifying the volume of an irregularly shaped object using graduated cylinders and water.
w/s pp. 29, 31, 33 measurement review
length, volume, temperature
Due Friday

Extra Credit Due Monday, October 16

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

10/11 metric temperature

Hours 1 and 2
video notes
"Evidence" and "Patterns"

Hours 5,7,8,9
Metric conversions
Celcius to Fahrenheit and Fahrenheit to Celcius
6 problems
Due Thursday in bin

Metric Extra Credit

Points: 5 extra credit points to be assigned to your test scores.
Due: Monday, October 16.

Instructions -
Construct an organized table on lined paper that shows the following in millimeters, centimeters, and meters.

Assign the title "Metrics Around the House" to your paper.

1. length and width of kitchen or dining room table
2. length of Bed
3. Your Height
4. length of Language Arts textbook
5. length of Science textbook

Friday, October 06, 2006

10/06 metric temperature OR scientific method

Hours 1 and 2
Metric measurement of temperature for body temperature, freezing point of water, and boiling point of water.
w/s 6 conversion problems. Math help can be found on p.187 for multiplying fractions.
review p.177 (temperature) in text.

Hours 5,7,8,9
The Scientific Method
"Evidence" and "Patterns" notes
review p. 177 (temperature) in text.

Grade reports went home with students.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

10/05 Metric Test

In class:
Metric Test
30 points
Organize folder and notebook.

Science grade reports will go home Friday.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

10/04 Metric volume

Hours 2,5,7,8,9
Lab - Graduated Cylinders

Hour 1
Summary of ALS and Wilfredo Colon.
Homework all classes:
Study notes, handouts, and text for metric test Thursday.

Classroom Procedures in Detail

The following information was provided at Open House:


Homework is due on its assigned day.
Work may be submitted one day late for half credit.
Work will not be accepted more than one day late.

Class time is often available to complete assignments. Time is also available during lunchtime study hall.

Students are expected to spend 10 minutes each evening reviewing their science notes and handouts and organizing their assignments. Graded assignments are to be kept in the student's folder until completion of the unit of study.


All written assignments are to be completed in black pen, blue pen, or in pencil.
Laboratory drawings must be completed in pencil. Student's first and last names must be written in the upper right hand corner of all assignments along with their science hour number.

If a student has lost his/her assignment prior to completion, he/she may request a second copy and receive a one point reduction in their score.

Student Planners

Students must write homework assignments in their planner whether completed in class or at home. Also, students are required to fill out their planner each day in science with a short summary of the day's lesson. (Example: Skeletal System review.) Please check your child's planner to see what assignments have been completed in class. Feel free to contact me if you find your child is not filling out their planner routinely.

A graphic organizer is located on the south wall of the classroom that provides the summarized information for each day.

The process of writing helps students to recall information even if they never refer back to the planner. If a student has a question about when an assignment was due or whether they missed an assignment during an absence, this allows them to look it up.

Bathroom Passes

Students are allowed 2 passes each quarter to use the restroom during science class. They must fill out their handbook/planner to use as a pass. It is expected that students will use the restroom during their lunch break. In class passes are for urgent needs only.


Students will not be sent to their locker during class time. If an assignment is left in a locker, it may be turned in immediately after school for full credit. Abuse of this privilege will result in loss of the privilege for that student.

Lab Exclusion

Individual students may be excluded from participating in a laboratory for the following reasons: Failure to complete related homework assignments; inappropriate or unsafe behavior in the classroom.

A student who is excluded from a laboratory will be given a written alternative to the laboratory to be submitted in place of completing the lab. A student will not receive credit for a lab if he/she is removed for violation of safety procedures.

A parent/guardian may request that his/her child be excluded from a lab if there is an objection to some aspect of the lab. (Example: objection to using lab animals for dissection.) The request must be in writing and signed by the parent prior to the lab.

Contact information

Please contact me if you have questions or concerns about your child's progress in science.
Contact information is provided at the school's website and staff directory.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Ms. Grumbine's new blog

I want to give students, their parents and anyone interested in the students' progress every opportunity to keep up to date on the expectations in science class. This is one more tool to keep on track with the expectations and work each day. Students are expected to write daily notes in their planners that summarize what was accomplished in class. This should include assignments, their due dates and a few words about the topic of study.

In class:
reviewed The Scientific Method packet
reviewed metric measurements II and III
Homework: study metric system. Test Thursday