The following information was provided at Open House:
HomeworkHomework is due on its assigned day.
Work may be submitted one day late for half credit.
Work will not be accepted more than one day late.
Class time is often available to complete assignments. Time is also available during lunchtime study hall.
Students are expected to spend 10 minutes each evening reviewing their science notes and handouts and organizing their assignments. Graded assignments are to be kept in the student's folder until completion of the unit of study.
AssignmentsAll written assignments are to be completed in black pen, blue pen, or in pencil.
Laboratory drawings must be completed in pencil. Student's first and last names must be written in the upper right hand corner of all assignments along with their science hour number.
If a student has lost his/her assignment prior to completion, he/she may request a second copy and receive a one point reduction in their score.
Student PlannersStudents must write homework assignments in their planner whether completed in class or at home. Also, students are required to fill out their planner each day in science with a short summary of the day's lesson. (Example: Skeletal System review.) Please check your child's planner to see what assignments have been completed in class. Feel free to contact me if you find your child is not filling out their planner routinely.
A graphic organizer is located on the south wall of the classroom that provides the summarized information for each day.
The process of writing helps students to recall information even if they never refer back to the planner. If a student has a question about when an assignment was due or whether they missed an assignment during an absence, this allows them to look it up.
Bathroom PassesStudents are allowed 2 passes each quarter to use the restroom during science class. They must fill out their handbook/planner to use as a pass. It is expected that students will use the restroom during their lunch break. In class passes are for urgent needs only.
LockersStudents will not be sent to their locker during class time. If an assignment is left in a locker, it may be turned in immediately after school for full credit. Abuse of this privilege will result in loss of the privilege for that student.
Lab ExclusionIndividual students may be excluded from participating in a laboratory for the following reasons: Failure to complete related homework assignments; inappropriate or unsafe behavior in the classroom.
A student who is excluded from a laboratory will be given a written alternative to the laboratory to be submitted in place of completing the lab. A student will not receive credit for a lab if he/she is removed for violation of safety procedures.
A parent/guardian may request that his/her child be excluded from a lab if there is an objection to some aspect of the lab. (Example: objection to using lab animals for dissection.) The request must be in writing and signed by the parent prior to the lab.
Contact informationPlease contact me if you have questions or concerns about your child's progress in science.
Contact information is provided at the school's website and staff directory.