Wednesday, December 05, 2007

12/5 cell cycle

Students reviewed the Cell Cycle and received instructions and an example for completing the cell cycle flip chart.

Students will use the six squares on their handout to create a flip chart. The front of each square will have the name of the phase and a colored diagram of the cell in that phase. The back of each square will have a summary of what is taking place during that phase. A hole will be punched in the upper left hand corner of each of the six squares and yarn or string will be threaded through the hole to tie the six squares together to create the flip chart. Student name must be written on the final page of the flip chart and initials should be included on the back of every square in case the chart comes apart. I will provide students with yarn to tie the chart together but any type of string can be used from home.

DUE FRIDAY IN BIN (20 points)

Work on Cell Cycle flip chart.

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REMINDER: Cell projects must go home. Any cells left in the laboratory will be thrown out Friday, December 7.