Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Activities: physical sciences

Most of seventh grade science focuses on life science but here is a really fun site for the physical sciences. It has simulations of activities like roller coaster building, electrical circuits, catapult building and more.


Friday, December 19, 2008

Holiday Messages

Friday, December 19. I was at least as shocked as my students that we had school today. Parents and students alike deserve enormous credit for making it to school despite sleet, freezing rain, and bitter cold. My entire homeroom was in attendance today. I think we are the only homeroom who can make that claim. Way to go!

My first hour students had the choice of writing messages for posting to this site for your viewing pleasure:

I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

You all rock my socks!
See ya later!



Merry Christmas

If you live in an apartment, don't forget to buzz in big red.
-Anonymous student

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. For those who celebrate other religions, happy holidays!


Merry Christmas!
- Samantha*

Happy what?


Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Shout out to my 3 bestest buddies, Jenna, Jessikah, Brittny.
Yours till the butter flies,

Have an Amazziiingggg X-mas or whatever you celebrate!

-Tony ann

I wish everyone a Happy Holiday & an awesome New Year!
From Ms. Grumbine's awesome Science Student,
Shout Out to all my family & friends!

Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Shout out to my bestest friends, N'Dgo, Brittany, Jayaida, Tiana, Princess, Corrina, Bianca, Brianna, Paris.
From Ms. Grumbine's favorite student,
Jessikah Campbell

Merry Christmas,
Make sure the fat man doesn't take your cookies!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Have an awesome holiday.
- Kaylee

Thursday, December 18, 2008

12/18 Computer Activities


Students received detailed information about the extra credit opportunity. They went on to play educational games listed on this site.


Bundle up, stay warm!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

extra credit project

Create a Brochure about Cancer and the cell cycle

Brochure will include six panels (a trifold brochure)

Front page Panel 1 is the cover page, include an illustration/drawing, title and introduction (ALSO YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME)
Inside page Panel 2 will contain information about the cell cycle as it relates to cancer cells. i.e. the cancer cell cycle has a limited interphase stage and cells reproduce uncontrollably.
Panel 3, panel 4, panel 5 include information about the three primary treatments for cancer: surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy.
Panel 6 (the back of the pamphlet) will list sources for additional information about cancer. i.e. the American Cancer Society website or land mailing address/phone number.

Extra Credit Opportunity. DUE in bin, Tuesday, January 6, 2009. Students may receive 15 points extra credit.

12/17 offspring lab

Due to my absence in November, I allowed students to make up three assignments given during that time. Students had the chance to make up three different assignments. Most, but not all, students showed appreciation for this rare exception to the rules and used their time wisely to raise their scores. Students whose work was complete for that time period participated in an offspring lab.

An extra credit assignment worth 15 points will be available for completion over winter break. Students will receive the information during class on Thursday or may pick up a copy of the assignment on Friday. The extra credit will be due the first Tuesday after Winter Break.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

12/16 Genetic crosses

Students learned how to use punnett squares to demonstrate the expected traits in offspring. Reference pp.86,87 in text. All work was completed during class. Some students were so excited about the work, they chose to take it home for fun. All hours did great work today.
Complete seventeen vocabulary words in notebook if not done in class Monday.

Monday, December 15, 2008

12/15 genetic vocabulary


Students wrote out vocabulary as they found the seventeen definitions through their reading. Teams began creating posters that graphically represent one assigned vocabulary word.


Complete vocabulary if not done in class. 90% of my students completed the assignment in class. Work will be recorded Wednesday.
  1. heredity
  2. trait
  3. genetics
  4. fertilization
  5. purebred
  6. gene
  7. allele
  8. dominant allele
  9. recessive allele
  10. hybrid
  11. probability
  12. punnett square
  13. phenotype
  14. genotype
  15. homozygous
  16. heterozygous
  17. codominance

All assignments are posted in the classroom for the week as well.

Overview of week -

Monday: genetic vocabulary DUE in notebook

Tuesday: Punnett squares and genetic crosses. Assignment DUE in class.

Wednesday: Offspring laboratory. Keep in folder.

Thursday: Computer lab activities online.

Friday: Half day of school. Students will meet in their homerooms.

Friday, December 12, 2008

12/12 genetics

Students submitted their DNA in the bin. We completed part II of genes and chromosomes.


Thursday, December 11, 2008

12/11 make ups & activities

Make up tests. Genetics and cell games.

www.quia.com/rr/32144.html rags to riches advanced

www.quia.com/jg/1375038.html concentration, matching

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

12/10 DNA



video clip Chromosomes and Genes. Students took notes in their notebook.


Complete the Paper DNA strand model. Color code each component of the strand. Cut out the "molecules" and tape them together on the back so that the Adenine pairs with Thymine and Cytosine pairs with Guanine.

Color Code

Adenine - Red

Cytosine - Blue

Thymine - Green

Guanine - Orange

Phosphoric Acid - Brown

Deoxyribose - Yellow

Due in bin Friday (10 points)

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

12/09 Cancer

Watched ten minute video clip on cancer as it relates to the cell cycle. Students will know the three primary treatments for cancer. They also learned about lifestyle choices that add to the risk of developing cancers.
Complete cell cycle review sheet. Keep in folder. Due Wednesday.

Due to the low scores on the Cell Unit Test that was given during my absence, all students will be allowed to retake the test this Thursday. Study Group will be provided Wednesday in room 110 from 2:30 - 4:00. Students must bring a note from their parent/guardian stating that they have permission to stay after school with me.

Monday, December 08, 2008

Organelle songs, raps, poems

Students received ten extra credit points for writing and presenting their organelle songs, raps, or poems.

Tiffany E.

Cell membrane and the cell wall

yeah, we know it all.

The ribosomes,

they're the mighty zones.

The chloroplasts

they just seem to last.

The nucleus is not the spookiest

but it's the coolest.

You can always tell

if it's the cell.


That's the cell

and we learn it in school

because that's cool.


12/08 Cell Cycle Flip Chart

Students began Cell Cycle Flip Charts. DUE THURSDAY in bin. (20 points)
3 points per page + 2 points for neatness = 20 points.
Complete flip chart. Begin reading assignment pp. 76-82.

Flip Chart Instructions

Students will use the six squares on their handout to create a flip chart of the cell cycle. The front of each square will have the name of the phase or stage and a colored diagram of the cell in that phase. The back of each square will have a summary of what is happening during that phase. A hole will be punched in the upper left hand corner of each of the six squares and yarn or string will be threaded through the hole to tie the six squares together in proper sequence. Student name must be written on the first page and initials ought to be on each square in case the chart comes apart.

Friday, December 05, 2008

12/05 Bill Nye, Genes

Students watched Bill Nye's video on genes.

12/04 Section Outline

We began text outlines in class. The class was presented with one format for outlining. This text makes it easy since the headings are color coded.
Review pp. 55-62 in text. Complete outline from text.

Red headings,
Blue Headings,
Black Bolded Words.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

12/03 Presentations/ cell division


We continued with students who needed to present their projects. Then, moved on to discuss reading strategies that are helpful in reading science texts.


Students are responsible for the material covered in pp.55-62 in their text.

The timeline for organelle raps, songs, poems has been extended through Friday. 10 extra credit points are available!

12/2 Cell Presentations

Students presented their cell projects to the class. As always, they did an awesome job and I really enjoyed the presentations!
Browse through pp.5-62 The Cell Cycle

Monday, December 01, 2008

Catch Up November 21,24,25,26

Due to my absence Friday the 21st and all three days of last week, the recording of student assignments is not up to date. Take the midquarter reports received last Wednesday with a grain of salt. I will send out grade reports Friday or as soon as the scores are accurate.

I will catch up with the scoring and recording as quickly as possible. Thank you for your patience.

Monday, December 1

We reviewed cellular respiration assignment from last Wednesday. Students will keep the corrected assignment in their folder.

A few students presented their cell projects early. BRAVO!

All Cell Projects are DUE tomorrow, Tuesday, December 2. (50points)


Students have until Thursday to read through cell division pages 55-62. We discussed ways to skim through the reading if time isn't available to complete the reading word for word.

Remember...Red headings, Blue headings, black bolded words.

Wednesday, November 26

Cellular respiration guided reading. Complete during class.

Tuesday, November 25

Cell Unit Test

Monday, November 24

Cell Unit Review

Friday, November 21

Photosynthesis video clip and notes.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

11/20 cell review activity

Organelle quiz.
Alpha-list activity: Students were required to list a word from the cell unit that begins with each letter of the alphabet OR find a word that begins with the letter of the alphabet that they can explain as related to the cell unit. For example: Some students found the word karyotype and linked it to the cell unit by explaining that it is a picture of all the paired chromosomes. Chromosomes are part of the cell so it relates to the Cell Unit. One of my favorite for H...H2O is related to the cell unit because water is required for many processes in the cell. LOVE my students' creativity!
Review study guide for Cell Unit Test Tuesday.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

11/19 cell unit review


We reviewed the cell unit including plant cell/animal cell diagrams; Cell unit review from text pp.39 and 40; and did whiteboard activities to reinforce cell concepts.


Study handouts and your study guide.

Thursday, November 20: organelle quick quiz. (10pts)

Tuesday, November 25: Cell Unit TEST (30pts)

Tuesday, December 2: Cell project presentations

any time before December 2: organelle raps, poems, songs, performance presentations.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

11/18 CELL unit review

Thank you to all students who worked well in my absences Thursday, Friday, and Monday. Students discussed the last assignments completed in class and worked to complete pp.39 and 40 from their textbook. Any incomplete work went home as homework.
Complete p.39 Concept mapping and 1 through 10 writing in complete sentences.
p.40 as assigned. Hours 1 and 7 complete 11-22
Hours 2 and 8 complete 11,13,15,17
DUE in NOTEBOOK Wednesday.

Thursday, November 20: organelle quick quiz
Tuesday, November 25: Cell Unit TEST
Tuesday, December 2: Cell model presentations due.

Monday, November 17, 2008

11/17 Scope Lab

Students used microscopes to view various plant cells and create drawings of those cells.
Continue to study vocabulary from the cell unit.
Write out any questions about the cell project.

11/14 cells and processes

Cell vocabulary. List and define unit vocabulary in your notebook. Keep work in notebook to study.
Complete vocabulary if not done in class.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

11/13 LAB - Diffusion

This photo is for Chris who mentioned how much he liked my first flower photo.


Students observed the process of diffusion. The lab write up is due in BIN Friday.


Study structure and function of the organelles.

I was absent from school today and expect to be absent tomorrow as well. I can access my school email at home and will try to respond to any questions you may have about assignments or the cell project. The email address is listed on the school's website.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

11/12 Chemistry of Cells


Students received instructional sheets for their cell projects which are DUE DECEMBER 2. Examples were presented in class and examples are available online if you select photo gallery. We discussed the extra credit opportunity...writing an organelle rap, song, poem or riddle and presenting it to the class. The presentations make my day!!

Began work on p. 30 section 3 assessment (1-3) notebook assignment.


Complete p.30 (1-3)

Study organelle function

Sunday, November 09, 2008



Love this site! It shows models of plant cells and animal cells; describes the difference between eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells; and describes the function of the organelles. The site includes activities and quizzes as well.

go to www.dictionary.com enter the organelle name and page down to the middle of the screen where you see the megaphone icon. Press the icon to hear the cell organelle name pronounced.

Friday, November 07, 2008

11/07 Catch up day

Students had the opportunity to work on any assignments from the week as they are all due in the BIN today. The notebook assignment will be evaluated in the next notebook check.

Enjoy the four day weekend!

The evaluated assignments for this week were plant cell/animal cell labeled and identified; can you identify these organelles; microscope test; p.24 (1-4)

ACTIVITY by Myles request:
Rags to Riches: Cell Organelles


11/06 Scope Quiz

Microscope Quiz. worksheet Can You Identify These Organelles
Complete any assignments not completed while in class. All are due Friday as indicated on the board and in class.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

11/05 the cell

completed text p.24 section assessment numbers 1,2,3,4 in notebook. Please leave the notebook assignment in your notebook until the notebook is checked.
Study for microscope structure quiz. 13 parts will be labeled.
Continue working on Monday's assignment.

Reminder: All work will be due Friday in bin. Keep notebook assignments in notebook.

see last week's blog posting 10/28 for a detailed, labeled microscope to study.

Think Link testing continued throughout the week. Students had the opportunity to study online with the games from this site once they completed the online test.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

11/04 Teacher Institute

Hope you all enjoy your day off!

Come back to school Wednesday rested and prepared to learn.

Ms. Grumbine

Monday, November 03, 2008

11/3 Inside The Cell


Students viewed part II Inside The Cell and received a worksheet Plant Cell/Animal Cell to label and define the organelles.


Complete labeling and defining of organelles on worksheet.

Think Link Testing will continue throughout the week. Students will receive their assignments but due to testing, work will not be due until Friday.

ALL WORK WILL BE DUE IN BIN ON FRIDAY. Any work completed should be submitted when done. Procrastinators BEWARE.....Don't wait until Thursday night to complete the week's work!!

Friday, October 31, 2008

10/31 Inside The Cell

Students viewed Inside The Cell Part I and detailed the function of each organelle in their notebooks. We will complete the video and note taking next week.

Think Link Testing will take place Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Students are required to bring their texts every day. The usual schedule will be disrupted due to testing in Science, Math, and Reading but students will have assignments each day.

Thursday, November 6 - QUIZ: Microscope structures.

flashcards and matching games www.quia.com/jg/1493080.html

quiz practice www.quia.com/quiz/717688.html

Thursday, October 30, 2008

10/30 Cell Diagrams

We continued diagramming the plant cell and animal cell from pages 20 and 21 in the text.
Complete diagrams. DUE IN BIN Friday (20 points)

Seventh hour students have lost the privilege of passes from class. Lunch is immediately before science and students have the opportunity to use the washroom at that time.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

10/29 Cell Drawings


We reviewed the microscope structure and function and students began work on the Plant Cell and Animal Cell Diagrams. Cell Diagrams are found on pages 20 and 21 in our text. Diagrams are DUE FRIDAY in BIN.


Complete one drawing.

Cells must....

  • be completed in pencil and colored (Use colored pencil. Marker will bleed through to the opposite side of the page and may obscure the details.)

  • be titled Plant Cell on one side; Animal Cell on the other side.

  • include all organelle labels listed on pages 20 and 21.

  • show effort and attention to detail.

Week of November 3, 2008

Quiz over microscope structure.

Think Link testing will take place all of next week for Science, Reading, and Math. Please contact me at school with any questions.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

10/28 Microscope

Completed labeling The Microscope and Microscope Crossword (use p.196 for labeling.) Reviewed pages 4 through 9 and read pages 10 through 13.
Any worksheet or reading assignment not completed while in class.

Reminder: I will be checking for textbooks and assignments in class Wednesday. Texts are expected to be brought each day. Even if we don't use the chapters directly, we do use the reference materials daily.

Congratulations to Hours one and eight! They were the best behaved classes during my absence and will receive a small treat Wednesday in celebration of their good choices.

10/27 Opera

We attended The Magic Flute at Governors State University. Students in hours 8 and 9 used the additional time available to complete Communicating Results.

Substitute: Mr. Rab

10/24 ISAT prep

Students completed Communicating Results in an effort to enhance skills in the areas of graph interpretation and data analysis.

Substitute Teacher: Mr. Rab

Thursday, October 23, 2008

10/23 burning candles

Students performed observations on a burning candle with fluorescent lights and without fluorescent lights. They wrote up their observations and we discussed conservation of mass.

Thank you to all my "guest speaker" students who translated my whispers so that everyone could hear me despite my having laryngitis!

10/22 lights for learning

Students received a presentation from "Lights for Learning" organizers. Lights for Learning is a fundraiser/educational presentation for the school.
Reminder second and third hour students will take the metric quiz tomorrow, Thursday.

I was absent from school today. Mr. Lale was my guest teacher.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

10/21 Metric Quiz

Students completed the metric system evaluation (25 points.) Many students had time to preview the upcoming unit on cells by reading pp.4-9 in their texts and studying the parts of the microscope p. 196. All students attended an assembly during hours 2 and 3.

preview cell unit if not completed in class.

Wednesday - Lights for Learning Presentation
Thursday - Extra Credit Due. Hours 2 and 3 will take their metric quiz.
Friday - Last Day of the Quarter

Monday, October 27 - Opera field trip.

10/20 LAB - effervescent tablet

Student wrote out their observations and inferences during our laboratory using water and an effervescent tablet. We brainstormed ideas for introducing variables and formed hypotheses about the expected outcome. Try it at home!!!
Study handouts for Metric Quiz

Friday, October 17, 2008

10/17 science-y videos

Due to the half day schedule, I met with my first hour class only. We enjoyed Mythbusters episodes and their relevance to the scientific method. We also watched
Sports Science the physics of swimming.

Enjoy the fall leaf color "changes."

Congratulations to my Homeroom students. They were the first homeroom with 100% return on permission slips to the Opera!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

10/16 metric review

Self evaluation and correction of metric assignments. Notebooks collected from hours 1,2,3, and 7. (50 points)

Organize handouts in folder for review of metric system. Review page 176 and 177 in text if needed.

October 21, 2008: Metric Quiz
October 22: Lights for Learning Presentation
October 23: Extra Credit Due
October 24: End of first Quarter

Go to www.convert-me.com to check any work that you may have missed correcting in class.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

10/15 metric review

Thank you to all my helpers today in science!

Students are encouraged to visit the media center for morning tutoring with the metric system. I noticed many students receiving help this morning and hope to see many more tomorrow morning.

A special thanks to Jaquirha, Julia, Brittany and Roma for assisting with the metric review as one on one tutors throughout the day.


Completed metric conversion practice assignments. Received extra credit assignment, Metric Length Worksheet II, worth 10 points. Due October 23.


Complete any in-class work. Organize notebook for notebook check. Hours 1,2,3,4 and 7 should prepare their notebooks for collection Thursday. Hours 8 and 9 must have their notebooks prepared for collection by Friday.

Metric Quiz: Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Wednesday, October 22 - Lights for Learning Presentation

Friday, October 24 - Last day of the first quarter

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

10/14 metric conversions

Students practiced converting units of measure within the metric system. They received three worksheets: Metric Units of Capacity, Metric Units of Weight, and Metric System. At least two of the three sheets must be completed before tomorrow. Students will keep these assignments in their notebooks.
Make sure you have completed at least two of the three assignments.

Friday, October 17: half day

Tuesday, October 21: Metric System Test

Wednesday, October 22: Lights for Learning presentation

Friday, October 24: Last day of first quarter

Friday, October 10, 2008

10/10 metrics

Students perused sites related to conversions within the metric system and between the English Standard and the metric system.


www.quia.com/hm/425366.html (hangman)

www.quia.com/ba/190632.html (battleship)

www.quia.com/cm/222241.html (column match-up)

Organize notebooks.

10/09 scientific inquiry

I was absent from class today. Mr. Lale was my substitute.
Sadly, today's Field Trip was cancelled due to liability concerns with the site.

Students completed key terms, the work of scientists and key terms, what is science and submitted the work to the in bins. Hours 1,2,7,8 also completed the section summary questions from what is science in their notebooks.

Complete any assignments not finished in class.

REMINDER: Notebook check next week.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

10/07 classification

Hours 1,2,3 reviewed using a field guide to identify leaves. We discussed how to use a dichotomous chart. Hours 2 and 3 submitted their clothes classification in the BIN. Hour 1 graded the 4 questions in their notebooks. Hours 1,2,3 took makeup tests.
Hour 7 disrupted the learning process to the extent that we were left with several minutes at the end of class to identify leaves.
Hour 8 and 9 viewed video clips What is Science and The Work of Science. Students took short notes on each clip.

Homework: Organize notes in notebook. Notebooks will be checked in the next two weeks.

Our Field Trip has been postponed until Thursday due to inclement weather.

Monday, October 06, 2008

10/06 classification

Introduced classification. Students received the handout "Classifying Organisms" and responded to four questions about the summary. We discussed dichotomous charts and gave examples of using a dichotomous chart to classify material in a junk drawer.
Complete four questions (DUE in Notebook) if not done in class. Complete a dichotomous chart for classifying clothing (DUE in Notebook)

WEDNESDAY, October 8 - Field Trip from 8:15 to 11:15. Dress for mud, gravel and cool weather.

Friday, October 03, 2008

10/03 QUIZMO vocab.

We played QUIZMO (similar to BINGO) using the vocabulary for scientific method and the metric system.

Congratulations to Jalyn from 3rd hour. She was our only two time QUIZMO champ!

Next week events: Monday afternoon we will have a guest speaker from the Steger Historical Society present to the entire team.
Wednesday is our field trip. Dress appropriately to spend 3 hours outside.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

10/02 science speak


Students copied vocabulary related to the study of science into their notebooks. Test results demonstrated that we need to get back to some more basic strategies for learning before moving into the concepts of science. We will continue with activities and hands-on learning while I include more direct instruction for students who need it.


Study vocabulary and organize handouts in science folder.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

10/01 metrics


We discussed and practiced the "ladder method" for converting measurements within the metric system. Students had time to complete "Metric Mania" and Review and Reinforcement, the metric system in class.


Complete any work not done in class.

Students who earned an F or a D on their Test must get the test signed by a parent in order to retake the test. Retakes will be given next week.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


metric ruler
If you click on this link you can print off a metric ruler onto letter size paper. You never need to be without a ruler!


09/30 QUIZ/metric lab

Scientific Method Quiz (20 points.) Students completed measurements for the metric lab and are required to complete the conversions before submitting the assignment in the BIN.
Complete conversion of cm to mm, dm, M and submit IN BIN before class period starts.

09/29 metric lab

Students used meter sticks, rulers and string to take measurements of everything from the laboratory doorway to their wrists. Some of the items used to estimate the size of a centimeter included the width of an index finger, a penny, and the width of a large pencil. Students were given specific items to study for the upcoming quiz.
Study notes and handouts for the scientific method quiz.

Tuesday, September 30: Scientific Method Quiz (20 points)

Friday, September 26, 2008

09/25 & 26 book browse

Thursday, students skimmed through some of my classroom lending library books on science and presented their brief summaries Friday. Many of the books were donated by PTA. Thank you!
While students skimmed through books Thursday, I pulled groups of students a few at a time to demonstrate their Bunsen burner lighting skills for me. I'm happy, and relieved, to say that all students maintained safe science procedures.
Study for Scientific Method Quiz.

Tuesday, September 30: Scientific Method Quiz.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Thank You Parents

Wow! I have received some of the most polite and friendly emails from parents who checked out this site. It feels great knowing that the site has been helpful to you and your students.

Thank you so much.

Susan Grumbine

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

09/24 scientific method


Sections that were not testing began where they left off yesterday.

Hour 1 - Did not meet due to testing.

Hour 2 - Completed portions of pre-quiz and reviewed work.

Hour 3 - Reviewed pre-quiz. Discussed outcomes.

Hour 7 - Were attentive and able to earn their filter lab privilege!

Hour 8 - Began class fifteen minutes late due to testing. We experimented with the positive effects of short bursts of aerobic activity on their ability to concentrate.

Hour 9 - Completed the first portion of the pre-quiz and reviewed work.


Review notes and handouts for 10 minutes.

Reminder - Grade reports go home Friday, September 26 and must be signed and returned by Monday.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

09/23 Scientific Method

Think Link testing continued for some students.
Hour 1 - Reviewed Measurement - A Common Language and began the Benchmark "pre" Quiz over The Nature of Science and Technology as a way to limit my repeating information they already understand.
Hour 2 - Received Measurement - A Common Language which we completed in class. All work will be kept in student notebooks.
Hour 3 - Reviewed Measurement... and began work on the Benchmark "pre' Quiz.
Hour 7 - Reviewed Measurement... Students need to reinforce basic math skills including multiplication and division. Density = mass/volume. Began Benchmark "pre" Quiz.
Hour 8 - Reviewed Measurement... Began Benchmark "pre" Quiz. Students worked so cooperatively that they were rewarded with a game and free time for the last few minutes of class!!
Hour 9 - Received Measurement - A Common Language which we completed in class. Viewed video clip of Scientific Method.

Review notes in notebook and organize handouts in folder.


Due to testing, I did not meet with hour 2 or hour 9. Hours 1,3,7, and 8 completed six questions related to Measurement - A Common Language and viewed a 17 minute video clip about measurement and the scientific method. Hours 2 and 9 will complete this work on Tuesday.

Friday, September 19, 2008

09/19 team building


Team Superstars elected to use the half day schedule to participate in team building activities. The four groups of students who were scheduled in room 110 used cooperation and communication in the following activities:

small groups: Pass the hula hoop.

small groups: We stand up for ourselves.

one large group: Her name is Ms. Grumbine and she likes grapes....

Thank you to 8th graders Jaquirrha and Julia for their assistance with the activities!



Think Link testing will take place next week in the computer labs. Scheduled tests include Math, Reading, and possibly Science. Students will maintain their usual schedules for all but one hour each day.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

09/18 computer lab review

Students used the following sites to review and quiz themselves over the scientific method.

www.quia.com/jg/1420784.html (matching, concentration)
www.quia.com/rd/7331.html (ordered list)
www.quia.com/quiz/1490054.html (This is advanced and may include terms we have not used.)
www.quia.com/quiz/1490062.html (working ahead in unit) very funny quiz
www.quia.com/cb/345860.html (jeopardy; it's tricky)

Study Scientific Method and Laboratory Techniques

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

2008-2009 Procedures in Detail

The following information will be provided at Open House:


Homework is due on its assigned day.

Work may be submitted one day late for half credit.

Work will not be accepted more than one day late.

Class time is often available to complete assignments.

Students are expected to spend 10 minutes each evening reviewing their science notes and handouts and organizing their assignments.

Graded assignments are to be kept in the student's folder until completion of the unit of study.


All written assignments are to be completed in black pen, blue pen, or in pencil.

Laboratory drawings must be completed in pencil.

Student's first and last names must be written in the upper right hand corner of all assignments along with their science hour number.

If a student has lost his/her assignment prior to completion, he/she may request a second copy and receive a one point reduction in their score.

Student Planners

Students must write homework assignments in their planner whether completed in class or at home. Also, students are required to fill out their planner each day in science with a short summary of the day's lesson. (Example: Skeletal System review.) Please check your child's planner to see what assignments have been completed in class. Feel free to contact me if you find your child is not filling out their planner routinely.

A graphic organizer is located on the south wall of the classroom that provides the summarized information for each day.

Rationale:The process of writing helps students to recall information even if they never refer back to the planner. If a student has a question about when an assignment was due or whether they missed an assignment during an absence, this allows them to look it up.

Bathroom Passes

Students are allowed 2 passes each quarter to use the restroom during science class. They must fill out their handbook/planner to use as a pass.

It is expected that students will use the restroom during their lunch break. In class passes are for urgent needs only.


Students will not be sent to their locker during class time. If an assignment is left in a locker, it may be turned in immediately after school for full credit. Abuse of this privilege will result in loss of the privilege for that student.

Lab Exclusion

Individual students may be excluded from participating in a laboratory for the following reasons: Failure to complete related homework assignments; inappropriate or unsafe behavior in the classroom.A student who is excluded from a laboratory will be given a written alternative to the laboratory to be submitted in place of completing the lab. A student will not receive credit for a lab if he/she is removed for violation of safety procedures.

A parent/guardian may request that his/her child be excluded from a lab if there is an objection to some aspect of the lab. (Example: objection to using lab animals for dissection.) The request must be in writing and signed by the parent prior to the lab.

Contact information

Please contact me if you have questions or concerns about your child's progress in science. Contact information is provided at the school's website and staff directory.

09/17 filter lab/scientific method

All hours reviewed the Laboratory Checkups and corrected their work. Hours 1 and 9 listened so well that they had time to complete the entire filtering laboratory. Classes that did not have time will complete the laboratory at a later date.
Study notes on the scientific method.

09/16 scientific method

Completed viewing the last 10 minutes of The Scientific Method video. Students began Laboratory Checkups 2, 3, 4, and 5.
Complete any of the Lab Checkups not completed during class time.

09/15 scientific method

We discussed some difference of opinion among scientists regarding the scientific method. Viewed steps 1-4 of The Scientific Method video. Students took notes in their notebooks.
Study lab techniques handout for filtering lab procedure.

Friday, September 12, 2008

09/12 mass lab


Students in hours 1, 2, and 3 were able to complete a lab using triple beam balances to assess mass. Students in hours 7, 8, and 9 are working toward earning the priveledge of completing laboratories. They worked on a written instructional sheet to practice massing material on the balance.


Students in hours 7, 8, and 9 will complete the paragraph describing how perseverance relates to science if not completed during class time.

Special Thank You to my homeroom class for their assistance in organizing the laboratory equipment used this week.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

09/11 quiz/computers

Students competed the laboratory equipment quiz and some groups had the opportunity to visit the computer lab.

sites: www.ohaus.com/products/education/weblab/TBBins.html

Review equipment techniques

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

09/10 patterns&evidence

Viewed Evidence and Patterns video clips related to the scientific method.
Review laboratory equipment for quiz tomorrow.

Monday, September 08, 2008

09/08 safety review

Students received textbooks, Cells and Heredity and reviewed the nine basic topics in laboratory safety for the quiz tomorrow.
Study for Safety Quiz

THURSDAY, September 11: Laboratory Equipment Quiz

Friday, September 05, 2008

09/05 Lab Equipment

Students listed, identified, and stated the purpose of 13 pieces of common lab equipment. Some sections earned the opportunity to participated in an activity using the equipment.
Have a great weekend; come back Monday ready to learn!

Thursday, September 04, 2008

09/04 safety equipment


Students took a tour of the safety equipment located in the classroom; identified the safety items; and stated their purpose.


Copy your choice of one safety symbol from page 31 of the Science Safety Rules handout onto 81/2"x11" paper. Symbols are graphic representations and do not require words. This is a copy of one symbol not an original.

REMINDER: SQUOD is completed in the student notebook as soon as students enter the class.

09/03 "Starting With Safety"

Viewed video Starting With Safety and completed cloze (fill in the blank) worksheet DUE in bin Thursday.
Complete worksheet if not done in class. Study Safety notes and handouts.

09/02 safety posters and summaries

Students completed their safety posters and submitted them.
Summarize each of the nine categories of safety from the Science Safety Rules handout. Summaries should be brief (four to six sentences per category) and help you remember the topic. DUE in notebook Wednesday.

Friday, August 29, 2008

08/29 safety posters

Students reviewed science safety rules and worked in pairs to create a poster representing one of the safety rules.
Posters must represent the rule and be...
  • creative
  • attention getting
  • colorful
Enjoy the 3 day weekend and come back to school Tuesday prepared to learn.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

08/28 object observation

Students received common objects to observe, draw and describe in writing. We will be talking about scientific habits of mind and the skills used in science in the weeks to come.
Submit signed Flinn Scientific Safety Contracts and Code of Conduct sheets to IN - BIN.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

08/27 expectations

Students completed parent contact sheets for my records. Students received the code of conduct contract and the Flinn Scientific Safety Contract. Both documents need to be signed by the parent and student and need to be returned to class by this Friday.

Many students are working through scheduling conflicts that occurred through a combination of computer and human error. One benefit of the new team concept is that regardless of how each students schedule is reworked, I will still have everyone at some point. It's possible that they will be scheduled to attend during a different time of day.

Read and review contracts. Sign and return.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

8/26 Homeroom

Welcome back to school. Students met with their homeroom teachers today for one hour where we reviewed the student handbook, school expectations, and team expectations. Homeroom will be a daily event this year and takes place during the first 15 minutes of the school day. Students remain in their homeroom for their first hour class and will return to homeroom for the last several minutes of the day after 9th hour.

Parents: Please complete the "homework" packet sent home by Columbia Central and students will return the completed forms to their homeroom teacher.

Students are expected to have their classroom supplies turned in by Friday, August 29. For a list of required supplies, visit www.sd194.org

Monday, August 25, 2008


Welcome back to school.

I hope everyone had a great summer.

This year we will be spending more time in the computer lab using the interactive programs and games available for each unit of study in science. Those games and programs will be accessible through your home computer or library computer as well.

All students will meet with their homeroom teacher for 1 hour tomorrow, Tuesday, August 26, 2008. Wednesday, students will follow their usual daily schedule.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

more explosive science 2008

explosive science 2008

Photos include students watching for volcanoe eruptions and the most fashionable
protective wear winners.

Friday, June 06, 2008


Activity Day

I have been looking forward to this day for several weeks. I hope students had as much fun participating as I had planning.

Hand Blasters
Bottle -N- Cork Rockets
"Can" Can
Mentos and Diet Soda
Most deserving of Rewards:
Highest soda fountain -
Eli R's group
Nia W's group - 2nd highest
Most explosive cork rocket -
Heather B's group
Most fashionable protective wear -
Dellissta R's group
Most helpful clean up individuals -
Dylan B.
Anthony R.
Lee V.
Thank you to everyone who participated and allowed me to exit for the school year without having to file an injury report!!!

6/05 awards and assistance

Students participated in the awards ceremony during hours 3 and 4. Hours 1,2,6, and 7 assisted in setting up the laboratory for Friday's activities.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

6/04 plant quiz

This ficus is dedicated to Symone

Completed online quiz at www.quia.com/quiz/1406376.html

and hangman game (hour 1) at www.quia.com/hm/416126.html
and word jumble (hour 3) at www.quia.com/jw/228514.html
and hangman game (hour 4) at www.quia.com/hm/416205.html
and hangman game (hour 6) at www.quia.com/hm/416249.html
and hangman game (hour 7) at www.quia.com/hm/416255.html


Tuesday, June 03, 2008

6/3 plant review


We used a combination of white board review and online review to study for the plant quiz.


Study for plant quiz.

Planners will be checked for the outstanding planner recognition tomorrow during the quiz.

Monday, June 02, 2008

6/02 plants

Video clip - Seed Plants (8 minutes.) Students worked in pairs to complete Alphaboxes. They came up with a word that relates to the plant unit for each letter of the alphabet.
Study for plant quiz.
The quiz can be found at www.quia.com/quiz/1406376.html

Tuesday, June 3, plant unit review.
Wednesday, June 4, plant quiz in the computer lab (1W.)
Thursday, June 5, preparation for activity day OR awards assembly(periods 3 and 4)
Friday, June 6, activity day - EXPLOSIVE SCIENCE - (9:15 - 1:00)

Monday, June 9 - Final Day of school. Students meet in their first hour classrooms for one hour.